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UNICEF Partners with Safaricom to Launch Internet of Good Things in Kenya

TechInAfrica – UNICEF has partnered with Safaricom to launch the Internet of Good Things in Kenya. It’s a platform that provides a set of information and resources, an initiative that helps to bridge the digital divide and build knowledge societies. Besides Kenya, it’s currently available in 60 countries and territories worldwide.

Internet of Good Things hosts mobile-packaged content from UNICEF and partners. It is designed to provide information that can improve people’s lives at no costs and can be used even on low-end devices and basic web-enabled smartphones. Additionally, the platform also allows citizens to involve in critical discussions and share opinions.

UNICEF Partners with Safaricom to Launch Internet of Good Things in Kenya
UNICEF Partners with Safaricom to Launch Internet of Good Things in Kenya via

For Kenyans, you can access the Internet of Good Things for free if you are a Safaricom’s subscriber by visiting To access it for free, you should use a Safaricom SIM card so that when you browse the website, it won’t deduct airtime from your balance.

Internet of Good Things is an initiative that hopefully can bring awareness and knowledge among the communities and individuals in Kenya. It provides skills building, positive knowledge, emergency information, and many other areas of information.

Officer-In-Charge of UNICEF Kenya, Patrizia DiGiovanni said: “We are pleased this collaboration between UNICEF Kenya and Safaricom will allow young people, caregivers, and communities to access vital information and acquire new knowledge and skills – so that more children and young people can be protected from violence, harm, and disease and can grow to their full potential. UNICEF is committed to reaching the most disadvantaged populations and marginalized communities.”


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Written by Rinchi

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