
VST Enterprises by Louis-James Davis Transform Zimbabwe Economy

VST Enterprises, VPlatform, VCode®, Zimbabwe, Hon. Louis-James Davis, Emmerson Mnangagwa

VST Enterprises‘ headquarter is situated in Manchester with international offices in South Africa, New York, Armenia, Reno and New Delhi. The enterprise is the home to VPlatform and VCode® companies.

VCode® Company is one of the modern code scanning initiatives. It helps users to obtain bio-data information of individual via phone or smart devices. The device codes are peculiar and contain basic information regarding a particular user at a time.  The initiative provides a good platform for information verification for government applications, consumers, and business sector.  The technology scan ration is 40:1, scanning capacity 100 meters and 160 degrees of inclination. The features hold for moving objects, multimedia images.

VPlatform which is a cloud-based technology support VCode® by allowing the users to create and manage information content. Besides support, VPlatform also analytical statistics about who scanned VCode®, time and place the exercise was undertaken. Additionally, the platform has reward and push notification devices for sending signals to Vcode scanner.  VPlatform helps in yielding strong brand image among various users.

Hon. Louis-James Davis, UK cybersecurity expert and the CEO of VST Enterprises have been awarded Science and Technology ambassadorship. The honor of the Zimbabwe government is as a result of the one-year corporation between VST Enterprises and Zimbabwe government. The honor was granted to him during the World Economic Forum in Davos in Switzerland January this year. A formal homecoming ceremony is scheduled in March this year in Harare. The events will be attended by Zimbabwe dignitaries such as government officials, ministers and press corps. The close relationship between VST Enterprises and Zimbabwe government necessitated the development of innovative devices to solve economic havoc. The most powerful authentication technology was the VCode®.

According to the President of Zimbabwe, Emmerson Mnangagwa, Louis-James’ company played a critical role in Zimbabwe economic recovery. The new appointment is aimed at creating more innovation for addressing the country economic challenges in close partnership with the government officials. Theresa May, UK Prime Minister recorded Vcode company when it was awarded EU Seal of Excellence. The current areas of focus where Vcode is required comprise of border control, mining and counterfeit detection. Other disciplines are tax collection devices, identity card processing and business license for informal sectors.

Louis-James speech recommended the new Zimbabwe government for investing more in research and innovation. He added that innovative technology is the only the way forward to transform Zimbabwe economy. He also appreciated the support he had received from the government and promised to leverage new duty to improve the life of Zimbabwe people. Other honors accrued to Louis-James are Ambassador for KidScan Children’s Cancer Trust, Ambassador for theManchester Metropolitan University. Additional honors include Chairman’s Rising Star for expanding VST Enterprises and Manchester’s Entrepreneur of the Year among others.

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Written by Denis Opudo

Am an engineer who's a tech blogger, hit me up on and we base our discussion on technology in Africa and the rest of the world.
Denis the Tech guru

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