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WASTiNNOVA, Zimbabwe’s Smart Waste Management Solution

TechInAfrica – Waste management is often regarded as a distinct polemic in big cities, with countries of Africa serving no exception. Especially healthcare, medical, and hazardous types of waste are to be treated with extreme caution; else they could potentially harm the environment or worse, the people in its ecosystem. Fortunately, WASTiNNOVA, a Zimbabwean is a leader in innovative services and products targeting to simplify healthcare waste management, decrease biohazard waste disposed and increase recycling through an environmentally sustainable method.

Cited from their site, WASTiNNOVA claimed:

“We also carry out research to test effectiveness of other innovative modern methods to manage healthcare waste.”

Founded in May 2017 by Stuart Nyakatswau, the company positions itself as a technological solution initiated to support an eco-friendly health environment. One of their pioneering takes on handling biomedical waste is to properly decompose the subjects, instead of following the mainstream trend of burning them in an incinerator-power plant—which, in return, could contribute emission supporting climate change and/or damaged ozone layers.

WASTiNNOVA exhibits during the Clean City Africa launch via

Thus, WASTiNNOVA relies on natural elements like worms and bacteria to effectively decompose medical waste, yielding fertilizers which can be implemented for other uses.

The business, while making the waste management system eco-friendly, also generates income from their services offering collection and disposal of medical wastes along basic and advanced health facilities. Institutions can subscribe on a monthly basis, or a pay-per-delivery for those who aren’t looking to invest yet. While not explicitly stated in numbers, the company sees that healthcare foundations and hospitals have been responsive towards this notion of theirs.

“Majority of our clients are on basic plus cover. We started off with two health facilities on premium cover and have now increased to 35,” Stuart professed.

Another source of WASTiNNOVA‘s income is from fertilizer factories and biogas manufacturers—by selling their decomposed waste to be used further by the referred establishments.


What do you think?

Written by Charis Chrisna

Writer, author, part-time fallacious wanderer, and an avid Hotline Miami lover.

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