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Whatsapp Is Available On KaiOS-powered Devices Across Africa

credit: KaiOS Tech

TechInAfrica – KaiOS Technologies, developers of the mobile operating system KaiOS, and Facebook have reported WhatsApp’s accessibility for download in the KaiStore, on both 512MB and 256MB RAM gadgets. By the second of the last quarter of 2019, most savvy highlight telephones supplied by KaiOS will have WhatsApp preinstalled upon shipment.

Matt Idema, COO of WhatsApp says that KaiOS becomes WhatsApp’s important partner in helping the giant conversation application to provide private messaging to smart feature phones around the world. By presenting WhatsApp on KaiOS helps bridge the digital gap to connect friends and family in a simple, reliable, and secure way. 

The first launching of WhatsApp on the KaiOS-powered JioPhone was in India in September of 2018. Now, with today’s broad release, the app is planned to make millions of new users across Africa, Europe, North America, Southeast Asia, and Latin America. 

According to Sebastien Codeville, CEO of KaiOS Technologies, the company is excited to involve WhatsApp on the KaiOS platform and increase such an essential means of communication to a brand new demographic. 

He adds that KaiOS tries to make the internet and digital services accessible to everyone. By offering WhatsApp on the inexpensive smart feature phone, it will be a big transition for KaiOS towards this goal. KaiOS cannot wait to witness the next billion users connect in meaningful ways with their loved ones, communities, and others across the globe. 

KaiOS-powered smart feature phones are said to be a new category of mobile devices that hope to combine the affordability of a feature phone with the essential features of a smartphone. They meet the growing demand for affordable devices from people living across Africa – and other emerging markets – who are not currently online. 


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Written by Nabilah Safira

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