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WhatsApp now has a message-editing feature

Messaging apps like Telegram, Signal, iMessage, and, more lately, Twitter – if you pay for a subscription –  let you edit messages for a while now.

Even though WhatsApp is the most popular and widely used messaging app globally, with more than 2 billion users, the company hasn’t decided about this helpful tool. Today, WhatsApp users can finally change messages allowed for a long time. Isn’t it better to be late than never?

In a blog post announcing the feature, WhatsApp says that users will be able to fix a β€œsimple misspelling.” You know, the ones that keep messing up your messages while you blame autocorrect. Users can also β€˜add extra information’ to a message already sent. 

Now you don’t have to delete the whole message or send a different fix to a message that has already been sent. And, hopefully, we’d see fewer annoying greyed-out messages that say, β€œThis message was deleted” when a sender deletes a message because of a spelling mistake.

But you could only change the message for up to 15 minutes after you sent it. This seems like a reasonable amount of time. To adjust a message you’ve already sent on WhatsApp, press and hold onto the no news and choose β€œEdit” from the menu. The message will then say β€œedited” to show that it has been changed.

The edit tool for WhatsApp has started to roll out to users worldwide, and it will be available in the next few weeks. 



What do you think?

Written by Grace Ashiru

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