The 2021 US-Africa Tech Challenge is looking for innovative technologies in the fight against disinformation.
The use of smartphones has exploded the number of internet users across the globe, particularly in Africa. As the internet becomes easily accessible and cheaper to use, propaganda and misinformation are becoming serious challenges that pose a threat to cohesion, trust, and general security.
The U.S-Africa Tech Challenge will accept submissions from across the continent that offers solutions against misinformation and propaganda. The ideas will be presented to an audience of civil society, government representatives, and private stakeholders. 8 organizations will get an opportunity to demo their technology. The top 3 will receive funding worth US$250,000.
The U.S-Africa Tech Challenge is sponsored by the U.S State Department’s Global Engagement Center, U.S. Embassy Nairobi, USAID, the EU, IGAD, Park Advisors, Twitter, and Informa.
The two-part event will be held virtually in April 2021, and the chosen organizations are given 25 mins to pitch their ideas to a closed audience. The second part of the programme will take place at East Africa Com from May 11 to 12, 2021, where participants can take advantage of virtual networking and partnership-building.
You can find out more details on the event at
Submissions will be accepted until Feb 28, 2021.
The #USAfricaTechChallenge seeks innovative technology solutions to counter #disinformation, with awards up to $250k!
Apply now!
Sponsored by @StateDept's #GEC, with @USEmbassyKenya, @igadsecretariat, #EU, @Twitter, @parkadvisors, and #EastAfricaCom
— Disinfo Cloud (@DisinfoCloud) January 22, 2021
Source: Disinfo Coud