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Women-centered ‘Ya Basadi’ acceleration programme targeting SMEs in SA

Ya Basadi

Wits University is launching its inaugural Ya Basadi programme courtesy of the Tshimologong Digital Innovation Precinct. The initiative is backed financially by  J.P. Morgan. The name Ya Basadi is Setswana meaning “for women.” Tshimologong acceleration programme will help already running small women-owned businesses transition to adopt technology in their operations.

A special focus will be directed to women-owned businesses and undeserved female entrepreneurs from low-income backgrounds.

In statements posted by Bizcommunity, Khwezi Fudu Cenenda the Enterprise Development Manager at Tshimologong points out how the strategic August kick-off was perfect for women’s month. He went further to validate entrepreneurship as the best way to counter low economic growth and reduce unemployment in South Africa. He gave an example of the Small Enterprise Development Agency (SEDA) research, where 40% of small enterprises and 72% of micro-enterprises are women-owned.

Technology is a central point of the 4IR, Fourth Industrial Revolution thus vital for all businesses to incorporate it into their operations. The three main approaches will be technology training, experiential learning in the development of an MVP (minimum viable product), and guidance on technology adoption in business operations. Eventually, the programme aims to help women entrepreneurs gain value, scale their businesses, and create jobs across Johannesburg.

“J.P. Morgan globally focuses on supporting small business and the empowerment of women. This programme, therefore, fits perfectly with our global ethos,” Kevin Latter, Senior Country Officer for J.P. Morgan.

Ya Basadi programme will run for a year, and comprise several technology masterclasses in 11 target areas from Web and App development, AI, Robotics, 3D printing, VR, IoT, and Cybersecurity.

Click here to apply for the programme

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Written by Tech in Africa

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