
Zimbabwe Plans to Use Ipsidy Technology in the Forthcoming 2018 General Election

Zimbabwe, Ipsidy Technology, Thomas Szoke, ZEC

Fingerprint identification technology will aid the forthcoming 2018 election in Zimbabwe. An American company won the tender to supply the technological kit to Zimbabwe government. The company is to provide both the software and hardware. Other kit provided includes de-duplication items. It comprised Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS).

The technology will aid in fingerprint verification against the national biometric voter database. Ipsidy’s de-duplication algorithms accuracy will underpin integrity of the voters roll. The initiative will ensure integrity and accuracy in the coming 2018 election process. The company secured the contract after vetting by Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC).

According to Thomas Szoke, Ipsidy CTO, efficiency in Africa election system helped Ipsidy. The company before supplied the IDSearch/IMS Biometric Voter Registry technology in Zambia. The Zambia contract was from since 2005 general election exercise. The company managed to capture about 6 million images, registration records, and fingerprints. Additionally, the company produced accurate AFIS templates. It also produced more than 500 billion duplication fingerprint match records.

Other African countries such as Guinea, Ghana, and Swaziland have used Ipsidy Company

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Written by Denis Opudo

Am an engineer who's a tech blogger, hit me up on and we base our discussion on technology in Africa and the rest of the world.
Denis the Tech guru

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